Wave 7 of YGO Omega Premium Themes


  1. Shaddoll
  2. Tri-Brigade Origins
  3. Boot Sector
  4. Drytron
  5. Winter Saga
  6. Bonus Theme: Forbidden Memories

ALL THEMES ARE FREE Repacked - Google Drive

EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: ALL THEMES ARE QUAD HD (4x HD) and they are created for 16:9 Resolutions. If you use other resolutions they may fall out of intended place.

NOTE: Avoid purchasing the Themes using your phone, as sometimes you won’t get redirected from PayPal towards the download link and authorization, PayPal is weird like that on some devices. If it happens just contact me I’ll manually give you the theme, but please use a deskop or a laptop if you want to avoid any issues happening.


1. Shaddoll Cataclysm: Animated 3D ARTWORK Environment Theme

  • So I did a poll asking you guys to vote for what will be included in Wave 7 next and it was a battle of Virtual World vs Shaddoll, and Shaddoll won by a landslide! So I started making it. However I decided to make this theme, completely as an artwork, rather than a 3D model like all the rest of the themes are. Making it as an artwork gives me ability to make it look absolutely incredible, far more than I could ever do with just 3D alone, but the downside is that it requires a lot of redrawing and lot of animating, this theme has 25 layers of animation! Making this the greatest and most expensive theme I have to offer.

  • The shadowy figure seen on schism artwork is seen in bottom left grabbing onto the field with his strings, while El Shaddoll Construct is controlling most Shaddoll monsters all around the field and is also holding on the other side of the field with her strings, the sky is the same sky featured in El Shaddoll Construct’s Artwork, and the field is inspired by her armour. It was extremely difficult but it is finally done and ready for you to enjoy. Make your self an unstoppable force!


  • Sky
  • Cliffs and Ground
  • Shadows
  • Blue Flames
  • Mist
  • Strings
  • Shaddoll Monsters
  • Construct Hands
  • Shadowy Figure
  • Light Rays

Video Demonstration:


Corrupt the worlds with the power of Shaddoll! Get your hands on this exclusive all-artwork hand-painted theme!!


2. Tri-Brigade Origins: Animated 3D Environment Theme

  • I am a huge fan of Tri-Brigade! Ever since I first saw them I was instantly drawn to the Steampunk aesthetic of Tri-Brigade, and Shurag looked sooo cool! I even did an Alternate Artwork of Shurag (was called Shrike)! I was planning on making this theme for many many months and I finally did it. But it was really hard coming up with something that works for Tri-Brigade. On all of their artworks, they are always in some different locations, they are outcasts afterall, so it makes sense, but that is precisely why it was very difficult to design a theme around them. In the end I decided to turn Shurag into a field and use Epic Dark Mist with particles behind it, since I personally am a huge fan of Black and Yellow, so I just wanted a Black and Yellow/Orange theme! I even animated those birds on Shurag’s artwork! It is a very Omnious Theme!


  • Birds
  • Mist
  • Particles
  • Mist affects the field, appearing almost disorted from heat

Video Demonstration:


We’re all outcasts, just like the Tri-Brigade, but together we are strong! Show them our power with this Theme!!


3. Boot Sector: Animated 3D Environment Theme

  • “My New Power, Become the Source for my Victory!” is what Revolver/Varis would say in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Vrains Anime, so I choose that line as the tagline of this theme!

  • Borreload Dragon deserves its own theme or Rokkets, or Dragon Link, however you call it! I choose to go with the Field Spell Boot Sector because it made the most sense to me, and Revolvers are just too cool let’s be real! This is one of few themes I modeled this theme with my own 2 hands completely from start to finish so you know its special! I was also streaming making it in the Duelists Unite Discord, so be sure to look out for streams in future as well!

  • As I was designing the field, it was pretty difficult for me to come up with a concept, so I used Borreload Dragon as a reference to take some inspiration, for example Borreload Dragon has those metal shields that have bunch of holes in them, so I placed those at top and bottom of the field arena. I used Revolver Cylinders on the sides of the Arena and inside the arena. At first, I animated them to rotate, but after testing the theme it would get too distracting, so I removed those animations for the sake of gameplay enjoyment.


  • Lights
  • Energy surging through the cables
  • Bloom


Seize the Victory, it is within your grasp!!


4. Ascendance of Drytron: Animated 3D Environment Theme

  • Drytron is doing really well now! I was always a huge fan of Ritual, for it is my favourite mechanic! Drytron seemed like a cool choice for a theme so I decided to design one, this wave 7 is basically the Meta Wave, containing themes for meta decks, so Drytron had to be one of them! It was quite tough to figure out what to do for Drytron, but in the end I went with creating a field arena out of Drytron Fafnir, so you’re basically flying on Drytron Fafnir through Space! This theme is also a great fit for Galaxy-Eyes, Cyber Dragon, Ursarctic, and many other themes!


  • Wings move
  • Traveling through space
  • Particles
  • Blue feathers move

Video Demonstration:


Surge through the Heavens!! On a Celestial Drytron Fafnir and Obliterate your Enemies!!


5. Winter Saga: Animated 3D Environment Theme

  • Winter themes are surprisingly difficult to make well, and this one was made long time ago! I never got around to publish it, but today is the day! This theme has a certain calm vibe to it that I cannot even explain my self. Its almost as if it has a story to tell, I really don’t know why but It It always had a special place for me.


  • Wind moving branches and grass
  • Snow


Find out what I mean first-hand!!!


6. Forbidden Memories: 3D Environment LEFTOVER Theme

  • This is a left-over theme I made for a friend, It has no animations and the real game had none either, it was meant to perfectly simulate the field of that game but for omega, which it does. But I really did not want to publish this at all and since I did I will charge minimum for it. It isn’t really anything fancy, or something of my standards, but there could be some people that want it so there is really no reason to not publish it.


Want to experience the memories from your childhood again? Then this is for you!!


IMPORTANT!!! if your zones look like default ones that come with omega and not like in video of themes/screenshots, you need to reapply the theme (its a bug), basically apply the default theme again, then apply my theme after it again and ur all set!
Finally, to select the theme after you install it, you have to select it in the settings and click apply!
Like this:


Think the forbidden memories one is for the real OGs, but I just love the Shaddol and the Tri-brigade, awesome work

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