Separate chat tab for Tag/Singles/Ranked Duels

I think trying to find someone on Discord will be hard because what if they aren’t in the discord in the first place and they left? How are you able to communicate to him/her in private about strategy. How do you find an name or Tag someone’s else name if you’re unable to type out their name? Kunogi had to change her name because no one could tag or find her in the Discord except to those who have her added. The discord does not show an full list of all the people in the discord and if they have offline mode it sure will not show them.

I have just tested this and I can confirm this isn’t possible. You cannot highlight the text in the chat box.

Having separate tabs not inside the same box? Yea, that’s not ever going to happen. All tabs are in the same box. That’s how it is in all games. You can’t simply drag a tab outside its box. Not only does that create more UI problems, but it’s just a bad idea.

You can do this but that’s with using the zoom function. I do not want to use the zoom function while reading an card effect. I want to be able to see the state of the field while my opponent is still playing cards and effects. I think I indeed agree with you that it would have problems with the UI by merging in and out. Also not every games are in the same box. in league of legends, your still able to read what other people say in the chat while reading your abilities. Smite also has that. Heroes of the Storm also has that.