Separate chat tab for Tag/Singles/Ranked Duels

That’s not what I meant. I was saying having an card info tab and chat tab separate from each other. Where you can freely move them elsewhere and separate them

You’re able to right click and copy paste only with Rush Duel and Standard currently but what I’m talking is about having an button when you’re not using the Card artwork to copy paste which is the Text box.

In Edopro their is an chat history. The thing is what I want is to be simultaneously communicate with my partner while also be able to type beforehand and read the card effect before he does something wrong. I think this could be furthermore aliviate the need to switch from different Tabs to another if we had both of them opened at the same time in different windows. See how Health bars are done? They are separate from the card Tab. An way to Seperate them but also an way to put them back in the Tab. It is much like chrome when you open an window and then you move that window to an different tab it combines them.

I think you’re really misunderstanding what I’ve wanted to actually point out and failed to understand what what was my point was. This isn’t just for Tags as I’ve said above it is also for single duels and tag tournaments. If our partners play randoms decks you want to emphasize on the communication with your partner. In DevPro we used to have an Whisper system where we could communicate with each player within the game. I think if the person isn’t in the discord and is playing the game how else do you expect people to communicate with each other? Also will you look to find on how to type characters that you can’t type on discord. I think something that would redirect to that person discord DMS would be indeed an good way to communicate in private between teammates.

Again one can’t possibly learn someone’s decks in Tags. Furthermore, communicating about Strategy during a duel is crucial. Theirs a reason in every Team games communication is essential to win a game in a competitive environment.