Separate chat tab for Tag/Singles/Ranked Duels

This suggestion isn’t new, but let me simplify what your suggestion actually is in one sentence:

“I would like to have a separate tab for chatting with teammates in a Tag Duel.”

That is your suggestion. Now, the reason we cannot have this is simply due to the way Discord works. YGO Omega has been integrated with Discord. That means each time you are dueling with someone, a discord lobby in fact has been created between you and your opponent. When other players join your game as spectators, they are joining that same lobby id. That is why we cannot have a separate chat just for Spectators like in Dueling Book / Dueling Network.

At the same time, you already have an option to mute spectators so that you can only see your opponent chat messages. You also have the option to hide opponent and see spectators. You can toggle this from the settings at any time.

Now, we come to the suggestion of having a separate tab for just your tag partner. How do you think we do this today in ygopro and for the last 8 years? For the last 8 years, tag partners are using a third party program like Discord to communicate via voice chat. This is how they communicate with each other during the tag duel without informing their opponent’s team of the strategy. The same thing can be done by using Discord. Remember that Discord is already needed to play YGO Omega, which means that both you and your tag partner are already on Discord. It doesn’t take a lot of extra steps hence, to open a line of communication between you and your tag partner (which you should already know beforehand otherwise why are they you in a team?).

So in conclusion, the idea of a separate tab for tag duels has been proposed before and it cannot be implemented due to the way Discord works. We cannot separate the chats because all are connected to the same lobby id.

Now, let me also correct some additional misunderstandings in this post:

I suggested to ひまわり about having the chat and card info in different tabs.

We currently have a chat tab and a card info tab. We’ve had this for a couple of months now.

In Dueling Network, we used to be able communicate about effects in manual mode and be able to copy paste effects into the the card info tab box.

YGO Omega has a Manual Mode. You can already communicate with your opponent in the exact same way about any card effects the same way you could in DN or DB. This is nothing new. You can copy paste effects even by right clicking on the display pic. You have a card log even.

Having 2 different box or an way to tap the chat box would really be helpful for mobile players but also pc players.

Mobile players already can tap the chat icon to chat. This doesn’t circumvent the need for a keyboard. Even on mobile, players have to type somehow. This requires a keyboard. The only alternative is voice chat which can convert your voice to text. Professional mobile card games like Duel Links, Vanguard, and Hearthstone don’t even provide chat due to this reason but have the options of pressing preset messages like “Good Luck!” or “Good Game!”. This also avoids them having to monitor chat for toxicity or offensive words.

In YGOPro, there was an reason they made the chat that way because you’re able to still type to your teamate while also reading about the card effect. I think about what omega does is that it makes you remember each card effect text and information much harder to remember because of the multitude of cards you have to remember while doing an combo.

In YGOPro, while you are chatting, you aren’t reading a card effect - you are chatting. Once a chat message is sent, you can never retrieve the chat history again. That’s how it works in YGOPro. That means there is no record of any conversations. Everything is lost. A chat tab allows one to go back and read chat history. This is especially important for a manual duel because a record of the chat is needed for a Judge to look and judge the game state. This hence, was a flaw in YGOPro that there was no chat tab. In official konami games like Yugioh Online - they had a separate chat tab.

In addition, at any point during the duel if you are chatting and want to read a card effect, one simply needs to tab on the card and hold it. You have many options to read a card. If you are in the middle of reading a card and don’t want the display pic to update on hover or when an opponent summons/activates a new card, simply use the card lock icon that’s on the field (this was added in the latest update). Furthermore, you can hold CTRL while reading and the display pic will never update.

You can also right click on a card effect or simply read the card log to go back and click on a card name to see what card was revealed or used in a prior turn or move. This is the same even in Dueling Book where we use logs a lot for manual duels.

In Tag, it is much harder as well because they play different decks as well and not every partner knows what their partner is playing. If our partner gets an random partner they won’t know which deck to synchronize and play to be able to do the optimal plays while gaming.

Tag Duels are not something new. We’ve had them in ygopro for the last 8 years. You should know how to synchronize with a tag partner even before a duel starts. The rules of tag didn’t change. The core is the same. If you chose to play with a random tag partner that you have no idea of what deck they are using - then that’s what you signed up for. That means you have to learn how to synchronize on the fly. This has nothing to do with the simulator. This can happen in ygopro or in real life.

You can’t possibly look at every card then switch back to the chat then look at every effect then go back to the tab and try to explain to your partner. Their is an time constraint between each. I think theirs multiples things this also could be useful for. On Chrome it allows you do move freely the Tabs you want and also combine them. I think this suggestion is similar to that of what this function does.

If you’re having to look at every card and read it and then switch back to the chat, then the issue is about not having knowledge on the cards themselves. If a beginner Yugioh player were to play ygopro right now, they would state exactly the same thing. They would say, “I don’t have enough time to read the cards because I’m unfamiliar with them.” Online automatic simulators do have a time for turn for a reason. That timer is dynamic and is based on actions. As long as there is an action, the time will not decrease. This is more than forgiving. In real life, there is a time per round of 40 mins which leads to slow play abuse and winning by EOMP (End of Match Procedures).