Please add the ability to play against one's self in the game, local

I’ve mentioned many times across many posts exactly what is wrong with it.

Go grab one of your developers, and try and play a manual game. You say that you have, but I don’t believe you.

Since it seems to have fallen on deaf ears, and noone on your team can/will/desires to test manual mode even a little bit (I know because if you did, you would see how broken it is), I’ll go over again what is broken.

  1. As a solo player, it is impossible to run test hands. This is because your “view deck” feature requires a response from your opponent in order to view your deck. Since the AI is not coded to give a response, you are not allow to view your deck. Since you cannot view your deck, you literally cannot play.

  2. Try playing with a friend! In my case, I set up an alt account on my android phone. I made a custom match and joined with account A on PC and account B on Android and here was my experience

2a) on PC I clicked “View Deck”. On Android I granted Permission to view deck. The deck opened on my PC and I was able to view my deck, but unable to grab any cards or select any cards from the deck.

2b) I closed my deck and tried again. I clicked “view deck” and this time, nothing happened. My opponent did not get a prompt, and the deck did not open. This is probably a very simple bug, but it exists because noone has bothered to even test this. Its like the client stored a “has requested access” flag but forgot the response lol.

2c) Annoyed, I decided to just end my turn to see if my opponent could view their deck. I long pressed the “BP” button, which progressed to BP. Then I long pressed it to go to M2, then to EP, and there was no way to get it back to Draw phase. No matter how many times I held “EP”, it would not switch over. The circle would animate, and nothing would happen.

So here’s a tldr; can’t view deck, can’t interact with deck, can’t change phases. And that’s JUST the things on the surface. They were literally the very first things you do when you go to play a game. So if THAT much is broken, how bad is the rest of it that I couldn’t even get to?!

I’m being genuine when I say - its embarrassing. It does not even function a little bit. Its impossible to play a basic game of yu gi oh with yourself or a friend.

Genuine advice - you need another engineer. Kunagi cannot handle both Manual mode and the auto mode and all of the features that this game has by herself. The project is reaching critical mass and at some point, its too much. But for right now, as it is live today, you guys don’t have a manual mode.

And btw, I was the one that reported all of the / command bugs that never functioned that have since been fixed. It seems that I’m the only user that has ever touched this mode. So at this point my confidence is just shot. But its annoying to see the devs suggest that this mode exists when its not even functional