Please add the ability to play against one's self in the game, local

Again. The issue is that there is the need to be able to read card and interact with them multiple times per action.

If my opponent summons a monster, and I have Trap hole set. I need to read the monster to understand what the monster does before I decide to flip my card.

The way Omega works, it would prompt the trap card player if they wish to activate their card which would halt the game. Because that’s how Yugioh works.

You need to realized the intricacies of how yugioh works in order to do this. The summoning of the monster is Box A. Then you immediately enter a multi-box sequence after this passing “priority” back and forthe between the players as the determine which effects they CAN or WISH to activate.

Compared to your RTS example, this isn’t something you can simply set a timer for and go. Even still, your example still isn’t perfectly fair. The player who gets the first turn will have the advantage. They are the one who will have resources first, and thus, they will be the first to be able to mount an attack first. Even if you go back and forth, time will still keep on ticking. Yugioh requires both players to have perfect knowledge of the public game state and their hands, flipping back and forth multiple times a single action is taken isn’t optimal, or even enjoyable on a single machine. There is ultimately no reason for the VOLUNTEER dev team to take time out of their schedule to work on a feature that would be sub-par at best and unenjoyable at worst, and used by next to no players.

Manual is a mode that has seen very little attention and is by far more appreciated by other players. Yet it still isn’t something that the team can prioritize due to the small size.

Again, the solution is simple. Have a second device. The technical specs aren’t that high and it is supported for cross-device play. If Omega was only for PC and had high requirements, I would understand the issue. But with only one person needing a PC, and nearly any android device, or two android devices, this is a non-issue for 99.9% of the player base.

Taken it another way, if this is the issue, why not use playing cards or even actual yugioh cards and create a chart as to which card represents which. Proxying cards is a thing and can be more fun then passing a device back in forth in an awkward or repetitive manor.