Japanese Card Pics 遊戯王高画質日本語カード

thx for reporting will upload the fix patch in next update

Hello, I have two suggestions:

  • How about rush duel card artworks to regular cards (rush duel to ocg/tcg)

  • I noticed that the images of some old cards have been replaced by their counterpart in rush duel, I wish there is a folder containing the images of the old cards that were replaced, since Some of them are better than in rd for me

Oooof no image yet from Cyberstorm Access XD

do really old cards I.E pot of greed have series 1 and 2 card layouts?

could upload the complete cards on MEGA. the link is down


Hi, I would like to report that Trap of the Jirai Gumo is depicted as a Continuous Spell when it should be a Continuous Trap. Also, Labyrinth Wall Shadow is missing its image in the field folder and Xyz Align is missing an image out of the Photon Hypernova TCG cards.

thx for reporting


Ok, I figured out the error with Xyz Align. It’s named “60623203” in the folder (also featured on the actual image) when its actual passcode is “60622305”.

60623203 is the correct code

contact your YGO dev

Hi, Magician_Arron. is that possible to make a private dm to you for asking something? Thanks

just DM using this website mail function or ask here

I wanted to download the new Japanese HD card but mega is saying that the file is no longer there, so how do I download it now

it was banned… i will reupload all images on next update

Hi, the mega link is no longer available, could you please re-upload it? Thanks

Do you have any ideas and date when it launches

How I use this website mail function?

no idea be patient, when DUNE is updated i will post Full images set into the download

be patient