Bot is actually cheating

What the title says.

I find it peculiar that the bot keeps drawing just the right cards, often with the starting hand, and always seems to know what to attack and what not (set monsters). I actually stalled a whole field with an even-matched wall monster in face-down defense position that the bot should have no knowledge about (no, it was not “revealed” beforehand!). Fact is that the cpu opponent knows way more than it should.

Sometimes I also get the feeling that just when I won a few duels the “random” draw purposefully gives me cards that do not work in any way to help my situation. Starting hand brick, yeah okay whatever, but 10 more draws after that in a deck that usually does better than that? Weird coincidence if you ask me. Happened a few times now, did not when the deck ran in a real game, so bad luck / catastrophical deck building is ruled out.

My suggestion is to fix that bot’s attitude. I know randomness can’t be achieved on a computer, but come on. That’s just too lazy :confused:

EDIT: Think I didn’t mention that every once in a while bot decides that I can’t play a card the same way I played it for months without a problem; because if I did, I would have a chance to win.