Additional prompt for Phase-specific monsters

This is mostly an android-facilitating suggestion, but it would also improve computer feels significantly: I believe adding an additional prompt asking if you want to activate the effect of a card that activates during a specific Phase, like Baronne, Albion or Redoer, would be deeply beneficial for every party involved.

In modern decks with more and more quick effects, especially from the GY, the fact that those Phase-specific effects aren’t distinguished from effects that can always be activated otherwise places an unneeded burden of knowledge on every user, and makes it unjustifiably harder for Android users, who have visibly narrower space to check, click and dismiss prompts during their play.

I believe this implementation to be quite easy to implement, and that it would drastically improve the quality of not just local and ranked play, but also tournaments, using Omega

Ok, but do you have the chain on option?

All the time. And several Quick effects. It’s hard to distinguish the trigger effects from the quick ignition without remembering every card perfectly. Especially when you need to activate that card as soon as possible. That’s why I made the suggestion

I’ll address this in 2 parts.

“I believe this implementation to be quite easy to implement, and that it would drastically improve the quality of not just local and ranked play, but also tournaments, using Omega”

This is would require each card with this type of effect to be given a specific flag. The flag would need to be created uniquely for each effect that explicitly states a phase, I.E. a flag for end phase effects that activate, standby effects, draw phase effects, etc. This would then have to have a check that goes off separately before the phase changes to see if any of those flags are met for the phase attempting to be left.

This is NOT how the game (YU-GI-OH) is played. When you attempt to leave a phase, you are asking your opponent if you are ready to move to the next phase. You cannot ask your opponent if you can leave the standby phase, have the opponent agree, and then state that you are activating the effect of Baronne De Fluer to summon from graveyard. If you wish to activate an effect such as this, you MUST activate it WHILE you are in the appropriate phase. Master Duel has implemented this because they want less players to be frustrated at the experience, which MAY be better for some however it misrepresents the way the game works. Omega attempts to replicate the Yu-Gi-Oh game as much as possible. As such, we have not implemented this style of feature. You are given the “fast effect” window, to activated fast effects when you first enter the phase, if you have any, and then you are given the “Spell speed 1” window to activate effects such as the mentioned Baronne De Fluer effect in the standby, before passing priority to the opponent and leaving the standby phase if not.

For the second Part:
“It’s hard to distinguish the trigger effects from the quick ignition without remembering every card perfectly.”

This is part of the game. You must know your cards and how they work. There are many critics of the Automatic batch of simulators as they “handhold too much”, providing TOO many hints, prompts, and glowing effects to highlight something that a player would typically forget in the heat of the game. For those critics the automatic sim “dumbs down” the experience which wouldn’t happen when playing in person. We try to balance this as much as possible with the various chain options. One of the compromises is the various chain options. Auto and On prompt you when you typically would activate something, and when you CAN activate something respectively. The ALL chain type is more representative of the TRUE experience, making both players Ok each action and step of the game. Whether you use as this a learning tool to how the inner workings of the gameflow, or if you use it to bluff the opponent, is neither here nor there, but it helps you understand exactly when certain cards CAN be activated, and when they cannot be, even if you believe they aren’t.

Misclicking is something that happens. It isn’t something that can ever be entirely avoided, even if we wanted to, but that is also how it is in the paper game.

If you state, “Draw, standby, Main, Is that ok?” after drawing, you have asked your opponent if they have anything to activate in any of those phases. If they say “Yes”, you cannot go back and say “In standby, I’d like to activate Barrone’s Effect”, you have already entered main. This is verbal equivalent to a misclick.

  • TLDR: Its another feature that would require work to implement another prompt that would pester players when there is already enough prompts. Understanding your effects is your responsibility.