Add an engine to a deck (add a group of cards to a deck)

Often times when creating a new Deck you want add; for example, a Fiendsmith Engine or Horus Engine or Adventurer Engine…etc, you have to search the cards and add them one by one.
but what if we could create a group of cards, name the group, and add that group of cards (Engine) to the deck with a single click? would save a lot of time.


Thank you for making a suggestion.

This is unfortunately not something that is feasible to accomplish for a few reason, yet is something you can do today.

It’s not really feasible as engine requirements change not only in the meta quickly, but from person to person. Using the fiendsmith engine as an example, before the release of ROTA, may people were playing tract, while others were playing sanct as an option against shifter. After Rota, neither are being played. Even now, many people are juggling various raitos of Engraver and Lacrema. There is no way to easily do it. The easiest way is to search the archetype name and then right click or two finger tap on the card you wish to add to quickly add each card to the deck.

That said, you can technically do what you’re talking about today using some of the built in tools.

While the deck editor is open, if you click into the blank space of the deck builder you can copy the YDKE code of whatever cards you currently have in the deck editor. This means you can make a deck that is for each engine you want, open that deck, ctlr+C to copy it’s code, open the deck you’re editing, and paste the clipboard code in a new deck to start building a new version of it.

Or you can just duplicate that deck engine list and build off of that, as doing the previous suggestion is a replacement operation not an additive operation. Anything you have in the deck editor will get replaced with your engine’s YDKe code.

That said, the first suggestion is the best. Using the search more effectively to build decks is the best answer you will get.

thanks for the reply.
I think I focused on engin too much, it’s rather a group of cards set by the user and modifiable anytime they want, it could be anything not just meta relevant engines.

copy-pasting YDKE code is the closest thing to what my suggestion, but as you mentioned it needs to add not replace. and you’d have to create a new decklist for each group.
but no big deal, just a small QOL feature for deck building