Zumbis tcg

Zumbis tcg //s3omega.s3.us-west-002.backblazeb2.com/original/2X/0/0ff906ae04a0d500ef64bcb689674ddad21756fd.jpeg
creativity 2.0 1 consistency 4.0 1 adaptability 3.0 1 strength 4.0 1

Format: TCG


The best case scenario for end board is: “Zombie World” on the field, “Red-Eyes Zombie Necro Dragon” with “Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon Lord” and “Doomking Balerdroch”, followed by a recurring advantage loop with “Vampire Sucker” and “Hela, Generaider Boss of Doom” to recycle “Doomking Balerdroch” after he uses all his effects.

  1. The Deck doesn’t have problems in reaching the condition that are the Synchros and “Doomking Balerdroch” for control and finishing.

  2. The fusions are for removal.

  3. The links are for resource loop, play extension and generic removal.

Must have cards:

  • The Monster that you always want to see in an bad hand is “Jack-o-Bolan”, because it unclogs hands for more safer plays.

  • To start any play you can normal summon, “Uni-Zombie”, “Gozuki”, “Shiranui Solitaire”, “Zombie Master” (The problem is when you open with just 2 or more of these).

  • Try to have a discard for the monsters effects to go plus, “Mezuki”, “Glow-Up Bloom”, “Necroworld Banshee”, “Doomking Balerdroch”, “Gozuki”