YGO Omega Extra Monster Zone Bug Xyz effect cannot be activated

I think I know what’s happening
The hit box for the extra deck monster effect activation seems to be a bit above the regular hit box for monsters in the main monster zone
Not sure if it’s a problem with my own screen resolution that is causing this or maybe I’m not used to it?
Like I have to click a little higher than the middle of the effect activation icon if the monster is in the extra monster zone
Compared to where I normally click towards the middle or bottom of the hit box for when I’m clicking on effects for main monster zone

Display Settings
3 Monitor setup
Display 1: Laptop Screen Display 1920x1080 @60Hz on AMD Radeon Graphics 15.6" Scaling 125%
(I don’t run Omega on this display as it is smaller than the other 2)
Display 2: External Monitor 1920x1080 @60Hz on AMD Radeon Graphics 24" Scaling 100%
Display 3: External Monitor 1920x1080 @60Hz on Nvidia Graphics 24" Scaling 100% (Main monitor)

Video showing error

From 0:10-0:30 you can see the effect activation hitbox in the extra monster zone does not light up/able to be clicked towards the bottom or middle of the hitbox. Only when you click above the middle it is able to be clicked.
This is different compared to when I am able to click anywhere in the effect activation hitbox for monsters in my main monster zone at 1:16 and at 1:30