Vanquish soul dust devil

  1. Bug description
    [Describe what the bug is in your own words.]

Card doesn’t resolve properly or at all. It only allows me to reveal for activation requirements but doesn’t resolve any of the effects

  1. Bug reproduction steps

    [Write the exact steps to reproduce the bug. Provide a replay code if you can. You can attach replay codes, or use a pastebin link or you can even use a spoiler tag using]


    your replay code

  2. Screenshot OR error code

  3. Expected behavior
    [Tell us what should have happened when the bug occurred.]

  4. What OS are you using
    [Windows-10 / Linux / Android]

Seems to work fine in online mode. If youre experiencing the issue in offline mode, try it in online mode as offline is always going to be behind online mode in terms of bug fixes.

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