Bug description
[Describe what the bug is in your own words.
This card - "Traptrix Holeutea "- has an activation cost -“by discarding 1 normal trap”- but Ygo Omega lets you activate it without this cost. Please fix this issue. -
Bug reproduction steps
Write the exact steps to reproduce the bug. Provide a replay code if you can. You can attach replay codes, or use a pastebin link or you can even use a spoiler tag using
your replay code
Just activate this card.
- Screenshot OR error code
Expected behavior
[Tell us what should have happened when the bug occurred.
As you can see in the screenshot, I had only Holeutea in my hand before activating it. It is imposible to activate it without the discard, so I coudn’t have activated it. Card should demand normal trap discard to activate. -
What OS are you using
[Windows-10 / Linux / Android
Windows 10