Traptrix Holeutea activating without cost

  1. Bug description
    [Describe what the bug is in your own words.]
    This card - "Traptrix Holeutea "- has an activation cost -“by discarding 1 normal trap”- but Ygo Omega lets you activate it without this cost. Please fix this issue.

  2. Bug reproduction steps

    [Write the exact steps to reproduce the bug. Provide a replay code if you can. You can attach replay codes, or use a pastebin link or you can even use a spoiler tag using]


    your replay code

Just activate this card.

  1. Screenshot OR error code

  1. Expected behavior
    [Tell us what should have happened when the bug occurred.]
    As you can see in the screenshot, I had only Holeutea in my hand before activating it. It is imposible to activate it without the discard, so I coudn’t have activated it. Card should demand normal trap discard to activate.

  2. What OS are you using
    [Windows-10 / Linux / Android]
    Windows 10

This is an offline-only bug. Its recommended that people play online, even if just testing against the bot as offline isnt updated regularly

So, the problem doesn’t exist when played against other real plays? Good to know.