Timeout bug

  1. Bug description
    It is a bug that happened to me in ranked, where your timer runs but you cannot physically choose a card.

  2. Bug reproduction steps

    I am unsure of the exact steps, but it happened when the opponent used up all of their time in siding, he then played jester confit without a summoning sound and the timer started to go down for me, but I couldn’t activate any card whatsoever, as much as I clicked anywhere. After the game was declared a loss, I clicked leave and no rooms were visible in the online section, which was fixed after leaving online and entering again.



  3. Screenshot OR error code
    Unfortunately I didn’t end up making a screenshot of it as it happened, really wish I had, since the bug isnt seen very well in the replay.

  4. Expected behavior
    I assume it was trying to ask me if I wanted to activate Infinite Impermanence but the popup never showed up and clicking it did nothing.

  5. What OS are you using

If this happens again, please let us know at that time when it happens. If we can’t reproduce it, we can’t fix it. THere’s no way for us to know what actually happened. What exactly happened during the side deck? You completed side decking and waited for the opponent?

You can try to simulate this on casual unranked queue or even against the AI. It has nothing to with any cards on your side of the field or specific cards. Rather, this has to do with your connection to the server.