The skill "Balance" works but its effect is not like the effect of the official DL

  1. Bug description
    The skill “Balance” works but its effect is not like the effect of the official DL.
    There are 3 facts about the “Balance” can be 100% confirmed.
    There are 2 facts about the “Balance” can be 100% confirmed.

A.If you have one kind of card equal or over 30%(total deck cards percentage),
you can have at least one card of this kind card in hand.
ex: if your deck is (11.7.7) (monter.spell.trap),then you have at least one monster card in hand.

B.If you have one kind of card over 51%(total deck cards percentage),
you can have at least two cards of this kind cards in hand.
ex: if your deck is (13.6.6) (monter.spell.trap),then you have at least two monster cards in hand.

C.If there are two kind of cards equal or over 30%(total deck cards percentage),
you can have at least one card of this two kind cards in hand.
ex: if your deck is (18.6.6) (monter.spell.trap),then you have at least one card of spell or trap in hand.

Then, let’s go back to Omega.
I am not sure how the skill works in Omega but it seems not like above facts.
ex: if your deck is (12.12.6) (monter.spell.trap), it is possible to get 2 monsters and 2 spells in hand.
However, I can not get this combination in the beginning in Omega.

  1. Bug reproduction steps

A.adding skill balance
B.make a deck proportion to (12.12.6)
C.duel many times.
D.I found it is impossible to get 2 monsters and 2 spells in hand in the beginning.

A.adding skill balance
B.make a deck proportion to (13.6.6)
C.duel many times.
D.I found it is not 100% to get at least 2 monsters cards in hand in the beginning.

A.adding skill balance
B.make a deck proportion to (8.6.6)
C.duel many times.
D.I found its proportion is like (1.33:1.33:1.33) (monter.spell.trap) in hand in Omega (about 60 times records)
but actually it should be more like (2:1:1) in DL. >>"" the result is according to below table 2 . “”

  1. Screenshot OR error code

This is my collection data from players.

source :

table 1

source : RE:【情報】【FZ】技能解密「牌組平衡」,起手必抓兩張怪獸卡的方法。 @遊戲王 決鬥聯盟 哈啦板 - 巴哈姆特 (

table 2

(you can ignore the 5th card)

table 2 statistics (not sure it is 100% correct)
(牌組平衡驗證 - Google Sheets)
by the source : (【討論】想請問一下[牌組平衡]有辦法實際用數學公式來算出(怪.魔.陷)各類卡的上手期望值嗎? @遊戲王 決鬥聯盟 哈啦板 - 巴哈姆特)

table 2 caculator (not sure it is 100% correct)
by the source : (【討論】想請問一下[牌組平衡]有辦法實際用數學公式來算出(怪.魔.陷)各類卡的上手期望值嗎? @遊戲王 決鬥聯盟 哈啦板 - 巴哈姆特)

  1. Expected behavior
    I hope when I active the skill ,I can get the result like the above table.
    If it is hard to script like the result, I hope it is at least not different from the 2 facts.
    Thanks for reading these data.

(2021.02.16 update) :

table 2 NEW caculator ( Its result is very similar to tabel 2)
( DLBC (
by the source : (【攻略】牌組平衡模擬器 @遊戲王 決鬥聯盟 哈啦板 - 巴哈姆特)

(2021.02.16 2PM update) :
fix : there are only two facts can be confirmed not three.

This should be correct. The 4th card is random. The first 3 cards are based on ratios. Currently, we have guaranteed that the first 3 cards is at least 1 monster, 1 spell, and 1 trap IF there is at least 7 of each card type.

My English is not well so I can not understand well about your picture.
I am not sure “The 4th card is random. The first 3 cards are based on ratios.” is correct or not,
but I am sure " the first 3 cards is at least 1 monster, 1 spell, and 1 trap IF there is at least 7 of each card type." is wrong in official DL.
However, if the result is like the table 2 , then I think it may be correct.
Sorry for my poor English.
I can not see the exactly combination percentage from the picture.
(ex : I can use table 2 NEW caculator to know 9/6/6 will have 78.5% to get at least 1 card of each card type in first 4 cards in hand but I can not read anything from 29% imbalanced data.)
My math is poor too so I am not sure it is correct or not.
If someone can show the result to me, it is better for me to understand it.
(P.S. the result means all combination percentage of first 4 cards in hand just like the table 2 NEW caculator .)