
This game is based on the concept design of “Spherium”, a sketch that Kazuki Takahashi had made. We will develop this game!

Spherion Rulebook

  1. Game Setup
  • The game is played on a sphere with hexagons forming a honeycomb grid. Each player has an equal number of hexagons on their side of the field. Blue hexagons represent the player’s territory, while red hexagons represent the opponent’s territory.

  • A wall is generated randomly that divides the players. Cards must navigate around the wall. This represents a maze or map. It also makes each game have a different strategy. There might be certain monsters that may gain effects through power-ups that allow them to cross walls.

  1. Deck and Deck Master
  • Each player starts with a deck master, which is any monster card placed in the middle hexagon farthest from the opponent. Deck masters have no abilities, cannot attack, but can move.
  • The deck consists of 40-60 cards. An extra deck of 15 cards and a side deck of 15 cards are also allowed.
  • A deck master cannot move to a space that is occupied.
  • It cannot attack or defend.
  1. Starting the Game
  • Each player begins with 5 cards in their hand. If their hand size is less than 5 at the start of the turn, they may draw cards until they have 5 in their hand.
  • Players conduct rock-paper-scissors (jan-ken-po) to determine who goes first. The winner chooses.
  1. Die Roll
  • At the beginning of each turn, they roll a 4-faced pyramidal die. Each face represents a different action:
    • Star: Allows the player to perform a Summon action.
      • “Summon” means the player can place a monster that is Summonable in face-up attack or defense position or face-down attack or defense position in an adjacent hexagon to the deck master.
      • A single dice roll with the Summon face is equal to 1 Summon point.
      • If a player chooses not to Summon during their turn, they can “store” their Summon points as a resource. There’s no limit to how many Summon points you can store. Use it as a resource.
        All cards placed from hand to the field are always placed in a hexagon adjacent to the deck master.
    • Arrow: Allows the player to perform a Movement action.
    • Movement:
      • Monsters that are face-up can move two spaces each turn while face-down cards can only move once to an adjacent hexagon.
      • If that adjacent space is occupied by an opponent’s card, that card will be flipped face-up (if face-down), and damage calculation will be performed.
      • A single dice roll with the Move face is equal to 2 Move points. e.g. If all 3 die land on Move, that’s 6 Move points.
      • If a player chooses not to Move during their turn, they can “store” their Move points as a resource. There’s no limit to how many Move points you can store. Use it as a resource.
    • Card: Allows the player to draw 1 card from the top of their deck library.
    • Hammer: Allows the player to trade a card from their hand:
      • The player selects any 1 card from their hand and returns it to their deck.
      • The deck is shuffled, and the player draws another card from the top of their deck.
  1. Summoning
  • The rules of Summoning are similar to the standard Yu-Gi-Oh card game. Monsters with Levels 1-4 can be Summoned without tributes. Levels 5-6 require a tribute by sacrificing a monster already on the field. Levels 7 and higher require two tributes.
  • Sometimes, two monsters that are adjacent to each other and have compatibility, can combine into a new monster. In this case, the two monsters are stacked on top of each other.
  1. Field Limit
  • Each player can have a maximum of 5 cards on the field at any time.
  1. Battle Positions
  • Monsters can be summoned face-up in attack position or defense position or set face-down in attack or defense position. Attack position is vertical, with the shorter side up, while defense position is horizontal, with the longer side up.
  1. Monsters
    • Attack points - This the integer value that shows the strength of the monster. This value is used when a monster declares an attack on another monster by moving to the opponent’s monster position. In cases where two monsters move to the exact same spot - then Attack points are used for the battle and the higher Attack points will win.
    • Defense points - This is the integer value that shows the toughness of the monster. This value is used when a monster is attacked by another monster. If the Defense points is higher than the Attack points of the attacking monster, the monster is not destroyed and stays in its current position. The Attacking monster moves back to its original position.
    • Element - This is the monster’s elemental affinity - Fire (Hi or Ka), Wind (Fu), Earth (Tsuchi or Chi), Water (Mizu or Sui), Void (Ku).
    • Level - This indicates the the level of the monster and whether it can be summoned without tribute.
  2. Spells and Traps
  • Spells and traps can be placed on a hexagon adjacent to the deck master’s position during the turn, face-up or face-down in attack position (vertical).
    • If a face-down Spell or Trap is attacked, it will be flipped face-up and will activate if its activation conditions are met.
  1. Life Points
  • Each deck master starts with 5 LP (life points).
  • An attack against a deck master will always result in 1 damage (loss of 1 LP), regardless of the ATK value of the monster that attacked it.
  1. Damage Calculation
  • A monster can attack another monster by comparing their ATK and DEF points. If ATK > DEF, the defending monster is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard (GY).
  • If ATK = DEF, neither monster is destroyed.
  • If ATK < DEF, the attacking monster’s ATK is reduced by the difference between ATK and DEF.
  1. Territory Control
  • Each time a player’s card moves to a new hexagon or occupies an existing hexagon, that hexagon becomes the color of that player’s territory.
  1. Simultaneous Turns
  • Turns in Spherion are simultaneous. After both players have selected their moves, they will click “ready” to proceed.
  • Order of Operations
    • Even though turns are simultaneous, each player selects the order of actions before clicking ready. Then, those actions are executed in order by both players simultaneously.
  • If a player clicks “Ready” before the other player, then a timer of 30 secs starts. After which, if the other player has not yet clicked ready, then they will auto ready with no actions.
  • Conflicts Resolution
    • In the case that both players want to move or summon to the same hexagon, conflicts will be solved as follows:
      • Monster vs Monster: The monsters will battle immediately, and damage calculation will be performed. When a monster is destroyed, the hexagon flips and the monster falls into the sphere. There is no Graveyard or Banish in Spherion.
      • Monster / Deck Master vs Spell/Trap: The Spell/Trap will be flipped face-up and will activate its effect if the activation conditions are met. The Monster will then subsequently destroy the Spell/Trap.
      • Spell/Trap vs Spell/Trap: In this case, both players will perform rock/paper/scissors to decide who gets that spot.
      • Monster vs Deck Master: The monster will deal 1 damage to the deck master and the deck master will remain its original location.
  1. Power-Ups

    • There will be 2 face-down cards that are randomly spawned on the sphere at the start of each the turn that could be Traps or Spells. Traps would be like bombs that will explode when they are touched and destroy the card that touched it. While Spells could be a power-up.
    • If both players move to the same spot for a power-up, then the players will conduct rock-paper-scissors (jan-kan-po). The winner will get the power-up. If it is a trap, then both players lose their cards.
  2. Winning the Game

  • The game is won by reducing the opponent’s deck master’s LP to 0 through inflicting damage.
  • After 20 turns, if there is no winner, the player with a higher number of hexagons in their territory is declared the winner.
    • In the case of a tie in the number of hexagons after 20 turns, the player with higher LP wins.
    • If there is still a tie, the game continues until one player gains an advantage in territory or LP.
  • A player does not lose if they are unable to draw from their deck.
  • If a player’s deck master is surrounded by opponent’s monsters on all adjacent hexagons, then this is immediately considered checkmate and they lose the Duel. Note that each hexagon has 6 adjacent hexagons, so this requires the deck master to be surrounded by 6 monsters.
  • Win conditions like Exodia occur.

Note: These rules provide a basic framework for the Spherion game. Additional details and specifications may be required for a complete and comprehensive rulebook.

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