Selene Copying Previous text for activation

To clarify since I have seen some of the verbiage you’re using,

Selene’s Hint text seems to be copying the text from the previous activation that the player controlling her does.

In both scenarios I have tested, It has been the 1) activation of the controller’s card and 2) resolution of that card, then 3) New chain activation of Selene. Selene’s help text then copies the help text displayed of the previous hint text. In the case where I tested Tornado Dragon, it displayed “Select Target to destroy” on from the activation of Tornado, and in the case of Odd-eyes Vortex Dragon, it showed the help text of HINTMSG_TODECK =507 listed above.

I would believe that the script for Selene is correct, as it functions properly, allowing the summon, but the hint text seems to be bugged somehow. I’m sure this isn’t a major issue, but the first case that I’ve seen of it. I’ll test other spell counter cards later today to see if they have a similar hint text issue.