Relinquished Fusion & Millennium-Eyes Illusionist Not Working Properly

  1. Bug description

    Can not activate Relinquished Fusion from hand or field, on either turn, even when requirements for activation are met.
    Can not activate Millennium-Eyes Illusionist’s effect from hand, on either turn, even when requirements for activation are met.

  2. Bug reproduction steps

    Play a Relinquished deck with Relinquished Fusion & Millennium-Eyes Illusionist.

  3. Screenshot OR error code


  4. Expected behavior

    Both card effects are quick play effects that work on either turn. However, both cards refuse to offer the ability to activate their effects.

We have fixed this. Thanks. It was a missing setcode for Eyes-Restrict monsters. It will be live in the next update which is in a few hours from this post.

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