Bug description
[the card activate but every timr on the blue side and just dissapears and i cant activate the effect
] -
Bug reproduction steps
[I just make a mr3 unlimited room, and somehow becomed a mr4-mr5 field]
your replay code idk how can i send it
Screenshot OR error code
Expected behavior
[The card just stay in the pendulum zone and be able to activate them.
] -
What OS are you using
[android 9.0
Thank you for making a bug report.
In most cases of fields that change, you’ll need to enable the appropriate Extra Rule to meet your needs. It seems you are currently playing with the MR3 rule set, but with the MR5 field, as that is the default setting.
If you go into Extra Settings, you can check “Split Pendulum Zones” and uncheck “Extra monster zone” to have the functionality you are looking for.
We are working on a video guide for this functionality currently. In the mean time, please check over the previous update log to detail the changes in the update a few weeks ago. Check under “Features”. Duelists Unite
I want to thank you for helping to make Omega be the best it can be.
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