API route: /api/name/<cardlist>/<level : optional>
Type of input:
cardlist can be like dark magician,rokket synchrone,2347477
i.e. both name and cardids are supported. they must be separated by comma.
- for searching a card by card name within 70% match
http://omega-analytics.herokuapp.com/api/name/Borreload Dragun
- for searching a card by id or passcode
- for searching card with 100% match
http://omega-analytics.herokuapp.com/api/name/Borreload Dragun/100
- for searching card with number and name with default match ( 75% )
http://omega-analytics.herokuapp.com/api/name/Borreload Dragun,31833039
- for searching card with number and name with 50% match
http://omega-analytics.herokuapp.com/api/name/Borreload Dragun,31833039/50
infinite number of card names or ids are supported. the api will send data slowly with multiple cards.
search by ID is 25 times faster than by name.
for 10 thousand dragon
"ten thousand dragon": {
"text": {
"en": {
"name": "Ten-Thousand Dragon",
"desc": "Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must be Special Summoned (from your hand) by Tributing monsters whose sum of combined ATK/DEF equals 10,000 or more. If Summoned this way, this card's ATK/DEF become 10,000."
"de": {
"name": "Ten-Thousand Dragon",
"desc": "Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must be Special Summoned (from your hand) by Tributing monsters whose sum of combined ATK/DEF equals 10,000 or more. If Summoned this way, this card's ATK/DEF become 10,000."
"fr": {
"name": "Ten-Thousand Dragon",
"desc": "Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must be Special Summoned (from your hand) by Tributing monsters whose sum of combined ATK/DEF equals 10,000 or more. If Summoned this way, this card's ATK/DEF become 10,000."
"zh": {
"name": "Ten-Thousand Dragon",
"desc": "Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must be Special Summoned (from your hand) by Tributing monsters whose sum of combined ATK/DEF equals 10,000 or more. If Summoned this way, this card's ATK/DEF become 10,000."
"es": {
"name": "Ten-Thousand Dragon",
"desc": "Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must be Special Summoned (from your hand) by Tributing monsters whose sum of combined ATK/DEF equals 10,000 or more. If Summoned this way, this card's ATK/DEF become 10,000."
"it": {
"name": "Ten-Thousand Dragon",
"desc": "Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must be Special Summoned (from your hand) by Tributing monsters whose sum of combined ATK/DEF equals 10,000 or more. If Summoned this way, this card's ATK/DEF become 10,000."
"ko": {
"name": "Ten-Thousand Dragon",
"desc": "Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must be Special Summoned (from your hand) by Tributing monsters whose sum of combined ATK/DEF equals 10,000 or more. If Summoned this way, this card's ATK/DEF become 10,000."
"pt": {
"name": "Ten-Thousand Dragon",
"desc": "Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must be Special Summoned (from your hand) by Tributing monsters whose sum of combined ATK/DEF equals 10,000 or more. If Summoned this way, this card's ATK/DEF become 10,000."
"ja": {
"name": "万物創世龍",
"desc": "このカードは通常召喚できない。攻撃力の合計と守備力の合計が、合わせて10000以上になるように自分フィールドのモンスターをリリースした場合のみ特殊召喚できる。①:この方法で特殊召喚したこのカードの攻撃力・守備力は10000になる。"
"ot": 1,
"alias": 0,
"archetype": [
"type": [
"atk": -2,
"def": -2,
"level": 10,
"race": [
"attribute": [
"category": [],
"setid": [
"images": {
"art": "https://storage.googleapis.com/ygoprodeck.com/pics_artgame/10000.jpg",
"small": "https://storage.googleapis.com/ygoprodeck.com/pics_small/10000.jpg",
"pic": "https://storage.googleapis.com/ygoprodeck.com/pics/10000.jpg"
"id": 10000
for multiple searches, it will contain multiple data with the search word as key.