Numeron Storm does not work

  1. Bug description
    When I control a Numeronius monster, which I have to to activate Numeron Storm, I cannot activate Numeron Storm at all. Similarly, Numeron Network is not able to send Numeron Storm from the Deck to the GY to copy its effect.
  2. Bug reproduction steps

    your replay code

Control 1 of the Numeronius monsters. Numeron Storm can be set, but cannot be activated. And in a different scenario, if you while controling Numeronius and Numeron Network, you cannot activate Networks’ effect to send Storm from the Deck to the GY to copy its effect.
3. Screenshot OR error code

  1. Expected behavior
    What should happen is that you should be able to activate Numeron Storm or Network’s effect to send Numeron Storm to the GY, after which all the opponent’s spell/traps would be destroyed and they would take 1000 damage.