Mute/Perma Mute appeal and Repot for harassments in Voice chat

Uh, I HAVE. That was my point from the start. Dharma#0404 is my contact if you’d like to undeafen/unmute. It could be that the “Mute” role has to be removed on top of just unmuting the user.

There’s no muted role for you on the server.

Muted 892021

same account same email.

Where did this Dharma person come from? I thought we were talking about you being muted. Is this your second account?

I’m not trying to be rude my guy, but i feel you are skimming over what i have texted again. Plus as you know, people on discord can change their username and avatar etc as many times as they please.

You’re not understanding the point. You aren’t muted. If you’re talking about someone different, then that person should be here not you. If that is your alternate account, then that’s a reason for us to ban that account since alternates aren’t allowed.

Regardless of what the case is, you need to get it together.