Moissa Knight, the Comet General has the wrong displayed effect text

  1. Bug description
    Moissa Knight, the Comet General has the incorrect text displayed when activating it’s pendulum effect: If you Pendulum Summon a monster(s): Place this card on either the top or bottom of the Deck.

  2. Bug reproduction steps

    When performing a Pendulum summon with Moissa in the Pend zone, after the summon completes and you activate its pend effect, instead of displaying

  3. Place this card on the top of your deck

  4. Place this card on the bottom of your deck

it instead displays

  1. Place this card on the bottom of your deck
  2. Can conduct 1 Pendulum Summon of a monster(s) from your hand in addition to your Pendulum Summon.

But when you select the first displayed option (reading as the second pend option), it performs the first pend effect, and if you select the “monster effect” option (displayed as the second effect), it does the second pend effect. So the effects are mislabeled but the actual effect performed matches to what the buttons should read.



  1. Expected behavior
    The text options should read:

    1. Place this card on the top of your deck
    2. Place this card on the bottom of your deck
  2. What OS are you using


Thank you for bringing this to our attention and with good screenshots as well.

I have added it to our list of known bugs and can be tracked here: Currently Known Bugs

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