Missing Cards from Duel Links card pool

  1. Bug description
    Xiangke Magician, Xiangsheng Magician, and Voloferniges, the Darkest Dragon Doomrider aren’t included in the Duel Links card pool, and can’t be used in the Duel Links format. Additionally, Yuya Sakaki’s skill card “Xiangke and Xiangsheng”, despite being in the Duel Links card pool, isn’t allowed to be used in the Duel Links format.

  2. Bug reproduction steps

    1. Create a valid Duel Links deck including Xiangke Magician, Xiangsheng Magician, Voloferniges, the Darkest Dragon Doomrider, and the skill card “Xiangke and Xiangsheng.”
    2. Go online and try to join a Duel Links Casual Match with the created deck.
    3. A popup should appear stating “Invalid amount of ‘insert card here’.”
      Additionally, sorting the cards in the Deck Builder by the Duel Links card pool and searching for the cards in question should yield no results.
  3. Screenshot OR error code

  4. Expected behavior
    Had the aforementioned cards been included in the Duel Links card pool, they would be allowed to be used in Duel Links duel. In the case of the skill card, given that it only exists in Duel Links, it should also allowed and function as it does in the real game.

  5. What OS are you using
    Windows 10