Mind Master's pre-errata version has disappeared

  1. While deckbuilding, I am unable to select Mind Master’s pre-errata version – or, rather, it has disappeared from the game entirely. I am still perfectly able to use its post-errata version, but the pre-errata version seems to have been scrubbed from the game files as it doesn’t even show up in replays anymore. Additionally, the card has been removed from any decks that already had it in them.

  2. Go to your deck manager and search for “mind master”. You’ll only be able to find the post-errata version there. It does not matter if you’re creating a new deck or editing an old deck; the card won’t show up.

  1. Mind Master’s pre-errata version should have shown up.

  2. I’m on Windows 10.

The pre-errata applied only for the OCG, not tcg, and since our older formats are tcg formats, mind master pre-errata was removed.

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