Bug description
["Millennium Ankh" card does not always shuffle back into the deck like it should. "Obliterate!!! Blaze" seems to have no effect at all. .
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Bug reproduction steps
Activate "Millennium Ankh". After it's effect resolves it will go to grave instead of being shuffled into the deck. Set and then activate "Obliterate!!! Blaze". It will prompt you to target "The Unstoppable Exodia Incarnate" and then go to grave without resolving any effects.
your replay code
Screenshot OR error code
Expected behavior
[The Ankh should shuffle itself back into the deck after its effect resolves. The Oblliterate!!! Blaze should make me pay half my LP to destroy all spells and traps on the field and then equip The Unstoppable Exodia Incarnate with the five pieces of Exodia. Each piece should give the Incarnate 2000 attack and he should have piercing damage against defence position monsters.
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What OS are you using
Can’t speak for Ankh, but Obliterate Blaze looks fine to me. It grants those effects to Exodia, you have to activate that ignition effect through Exodia itself after Blaze gives it that effect.
I can speak for Ankh. Offline is bugged hard and isn’t up to date with the online core, it works fine in online games.
I see. Must be because I was testing offline as well then I suppose. Ty
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