Japanese Card Pics 遊戯王高画質日本語カード

The pictures of M∀LICE<Q> are wrong.

[LINK-3] 2500/- [↑][:arrow_lower_left:][:arrow_lower_right:]

[LINK-3] 2300/- [←][→][↓]

Hello, a question:

Since you are already very close to finish with the images of all the Existing Yugioh cards… I was wondering if there is a big possibility that you would also create the PICS of all the EDOPro anime/manga Cards in High quality?

PS: Thanks for all the great work you have done so far, it was impeccable.

thx for reporting i will fix it

please provide the middle image name it with id, and japanese manga/anime cdb.

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Could you explain a little better?
Or maybe give me an example of what you want or need to do?
I don’t quite understand if you want a text document or just the CBD.

Images name with id code (same as cdb provided)
cdb that contain all anime and original cards, in Japanese and id must match with images

Hey, I think it’s a bit complicated to extract the IDs along with the PICS, Names and Descriptions of each of the ANIME/MANGA/RUSH cards in the EDOPRO set. I think the best thing to do would be to download the game into your computer and then proceed from there.

Oh, another thing, I would like to make a Full HD version of the images but in Spanish version, do you think it would be possible for you to share with me your PSD+Fonts that you used to make this project?

sorry can’t help at all, unless you prepare all the cdb and image

The type line of clockwork knight(41739381) is incorrect, it’s an effect monster.


Could someone that hadn’t replaced original cards’ artworks with the rush duel ones let me have them?

Sorry for not replying sooner, but I wanted to tell you that unfortunately I won’t be able to supply you with the images, let alone the animé card CDBs. At least not for now since I am in a translation project of Tag Force 6 in my language.

Anyway, I wanted to ask you for the download links of the Full HD images. Since the link you provided is offline.
I would appreciate if you could update it or if you could share with me the link to the cards in full HD.

I would also like to ask you if you have the original art of the cards “Dark Magician”, “Blue Eyes White Dragon”, “Trap Hole”, among others. But in Full HD version. Since the ones in your PACK appear with Rush Card Arts.

I would say that the project is closed, zero activity even on the My Card post


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hahaha, myCard user dont need to download my images, because MDPRO3 is using my middle image to generate images automatically, only PRO1 and 2 user still downloading my card images

MDPRO3 download link

sorry didn’t know that, I was referring to the comments asking for MEGA link in that post, that weren’t getting a reply. Thank you for the new links very much

Thanks man!