Japanese card name display is broken

  1. Bug description
    Japanese card names are corrupted.a card that should actually say "零氷の魔妖-雪女" will be displayed as "のー"

  2. Bug reproduction steps
    setting -> card -> Card Name -> 日本語(Japanese) -> Card names are not displayed correctly when viewed in the Deck Builder or Duel.

  3. Screenshot OR error code
    零氷の魔妖-雪女(Yuki-Onna, the Absolute Zero Mayakashi)

    オベリスクの巨神兵(Obelisk the Tormentor)

    死者蘇生(Monster Reborn)

  4. Expected behavior
    For example, the name of the card "零氷の魔妖-雪女" will be displayed as "のー", and the card "オベリスクの巨神兵" will be displayed as "オベリスクの".The "死者蘇生" card even has it written in English as "Monster Reborn". Almost every card has this bug.

  5. What OS are you using

I use Google Translate so my English may sound strange.

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The fix will be released very soon on next hotfix.

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Looking forward to the fix

It’s fixed! Thank you!