Bug description
Cannot link summon using monster summoned from opponent using Zombie Vampire.
This has occurred to me before, but previous I was unable to even select any materials on my board to make something like I:P Masquerna using non-link monsters.
Bug reproduction steps
Normal summon Arvata.
Activate Fire King Island, destroying Ponix from hand, adding Sacred Fire King Garunix.
Activate Sacred Fire King Garunix to summon from hand.
Activate Sacred Fire King Garunix effect to destroy Fire King Courtier Ulcanix from deck.
Use Fire King Courtier Ulcanix graveyard effect to special summon Fire King High Avatar Garunix from deck.
Overlay Fire King High Avatar Garunix and Sacred Fire King Garunix to make Zombie Vampire.
Use Zombie Vampire effect, detaching Sacred Fire King Garunix to mill 4 from both decks, summoning ash blossom from the opponent’s deck.
Attempt to link using Zombie Vampire and opponent’s ash blossom to make Hiita the Fire Charmer, Ablaze
Expected behavior
[Tell us what should have happened when the bug occurred.]
Should be able to link off ash blossom and zombie vampire to make hiita the fire charmer, ablaze
What OS are you using
[Windows-10 / Linux / Android]
Windows 10
Have you had this issue occur when summoning a monster that isnt Ash Blossom, or was summoned to a different zone than the far right MMZ? Also, are you playing on Android? Does Ash Blossom glow as if it were a valid material and just cant be clicked on, or does it not have any visual indicator that it should be usable?
Yes, I’ve had it with monsters like IP Masquerna, happens alot when I’m playing Fire King Azamina. Just happened to me today when I had an S:P Little Knight and Promethean Princess on field. S:P Little knight was glowing, but I could not activate it or bring up the “Activate” prompt on the card. The issue i have is that it has the glow like it’s an interactable card, but I’m unable to click it.
This is a Unity-specific bug with the Unity engine, which we cannot fix on our end. Yesterday’s update for our Unity engine may have fixed the issue, but if not, theres nothing we can do to resolve it.