I know I've reported before, but figured I should again, as it's been a year: Custom Rules bugging with Pendulums

  1. Bug description
    Two bugs. Both involving Pendulum. If the rule is set to master rule 3 with Extra Monster Zones enabled, one of two bugs happen based on if your Pendulums are separate or not.
    If separate, you’re locked to the one summon from ED, needing links to access more zones (May not be a bug possibly, but figured I’d add it here for posterity).
    If not separate, attempting to place a scale forces you to attempt to place on the left side, but won’t actually let you place, locking you into an infinite loop of forced clicks.

  2. Bug reproduction steps

  • First: Start a custom game
  • Second: Change it to Master Rule 3, allow for the Extra Monster Zone, then either turn Separate Pendulum Zones on or off.
  • Third (A): If separate pend zones are off, attempt any form of Extra Deck Summon. You’ll be forced to summon to the EMZ, as if this was MR4 pre-revision.
  • Third (B): If separate pend zones are on, attempt to place a pendulum monster in the pendulum zone. You’ll see that the game physically will not let you, at least not with the automated feature.
  1. Screenshot OR error code Image of result of Seperate Pend Zones being off.

  2. Expected behavior
    I was expecting either of these results to allow for Pendulum Summoning’s old rules (No limit to summons) to coincide with being able to use Links with the post MR4 revision.

  3. What OS are you using