Bug description
The activation of Madolche Chateau does not prompt the trigger effect of Madolche Puddingcess Chocolat-A-La-Mode
Bug reproduction steps
Zone placement does not matter for this combo, although typically no monsters are summoned to the Extra Monster Zone.
1. Normal summon Madolche Anjelly, activate its effect, special summon Madolche Petingcessoeur.
2. Activate Petingcessoeur's effect on summon, special summong Madolche Puddingcess from the deck.
3. Overlay Petingcessoeur and Puddingcess for Madolche Glassouffle.
4. Activate Glassouffle's quick effect and detach Petingcessoeur targeting Glassouffle, but do not activate the trigger effect of Glassouffle afterwards.
5. Summon Madolche Puddingcess Chocolat-A-La-Mode using Glassouffle as material.
6. Activate the effect of Chocolat, target either Petingcessoeur or Anjelly (doesn't matter which), shuffle it into the deck.
7. Activate the trigger effect of Chocolat and detach Glassouffle, special summon Madolche Hootcake from the deck.
8. Activate Hootcake's effect on field, target Glassouffle in the GY, banish it, then special summon Madolche Messengelato from the deck.
9. Activate Messengelato's on-summon effect, add Madolche Chateau from deck to hand.
10. Activate Chateau from hand, shuffling back the last Madolche monster in the GY (either the Petingcessoeur or the Anjelly, whichever was not shuffled back off of Chocolat previously).
Screenshot OR error code
Expected behavior
Madolche Puddingcess Chocolat-A-La-Mode does not have a once-per-turn limitation on its trigger effect, which means any instance in which a Madolche card is shuffled into the main deck should prompt its effect to special summon a Madolche monster from the deck, so long as Madolche Puddingcess is one of Chocolat's overlay units. Usually the way the combo proceeds from there is that you would summon a second Madolche Messengelato from the deck to get another Madolche spell or trap. However, something about the way Chateau resolves in Yugioh Omega does not prompt the trigger effect. Moreover, the duel log does not list which cards are shuffled back when Madolche Chateau resolves. I consulted a judge prior to reporting this incident to make sure the rulings on this are the same in TCG and OCG, as I usually perform this line in Master Duel, which typically runs by OCG rulings. Thank you in advance, and keep up the great work.
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