Deckbuilder Filter Reset does not work properly when filtering by dates

  1. Bug description
    Clicking “Reset” and then “Apply” in the trunk filter does not properly reset when user previously filtered by dates. Displayed date does reset, but cards visible in trunk do not

  2. Bug reproduction steps

    Open A deck in the Deck editor. Open the filter options of the trunk. Set any date, for example, Released until: 01-01-2012. Click “Apply”. Observe cards displayed change according to set date, keep track on how many pages of cards are available. Open Filter. Click Reset. Observe previously set date change to 31-12-9999. Click apply. Observe how cards shown have not changed, number of pages is the same as the when filter was applied.

    User walkaround: Open filter. Click on date. type 9999 and hit enter. (date displayed will sometimes be dd/mm/yyyy and sometimes yyyy/mm/dd, not sure whats up with that) Click Apply. Now all cards are shown again

  3. Screenshot OR error code

  4. Expected behavior
    After Clicking reset, and apply, all filters should have been removes and all cards should have been shown again

  5. What OS are you using