Bug description
[wouldn't let me activate cards that it should
] -
Bug reproduction steps
Entered a duel and had spellbook of secrets in hand, went to activate it, but the button to do so would disappear as soon as I left to click on it. Some of my cards in hand wouldn't activate and some would let me activate when I searched a card and added to my hand, at the cost of not being to use the card I searched.
your replay code
Screenshot OR error code
My opponent said this is what they saw
Expected behavior
[I should be able to activate my cards
] -
If you have issues with connecting, please attach your Player.log file (Find this file in
%userprofile%/AppData/LocalLow/Duelists Unite/YGO Omega/Player.log
. Skip this step if you don’t have connection issues)
Test this again and let us know if it’s still not fixed.
played a duel and it didn’t happen again
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