Cheat Sheet for Markdown, BBCode, and HTML Tags



If you prefer the more traditional spoiler tag which expands and collapses, then use this.

Editor view:

your text

Rendered view:


your text

Note: The word “Spoiler” can be changed to summarize to content

Blur Spoiler

This works for both images and text.

Editor view:

your text

Rendered output:

your text


You can create bulleted and numbered lists, and even add nested items with different list types, just by adding a bullet or number (and spaces, for nested items) at the start of a line with your list’s items.

Bulleted List:

* Item
- Item
* Item with sub-items
  1. Sub-item
     * Sub-item
* Item

Rendered output:

  • Item

  • Item

  • Item with sub-items

    1. Sub-item with sub-item
    • Sub-item
  • Item

Numbered List:

1. Item
2) Item
3. Item with sub-items
   1. Sub-item
      * Sub-item
4. Item

Rendered output:

  1. Item

  2. Item

  3. Item with sub-items

  4. Sub-item with sub-item
    * Sub-item

  5. Item


You may have noticed the horizontal lines separating the different list and linking options in the previous sections. There are multiple ways you can add horizontal lines to your posts if you wish to break up different sections.

Editor view:


Rendered output:


Another way you can break up your content in a large post is to add headings and a table of contents. This is done by adding a number sign (or “hash,” # ) at the start of a line.

# Heading 1
## Heading 2
### Heading 3
#### Heading 4
##### Heading 5
###### Heading 6


You can share quotes by adding a greater than ( > ) sign at the start of the quoted text.

Editor view:

> Our employees dedicate 1% of all working time towards improving the local and global community through volunteer work. If you need a hand, contact us --- we want to help.

Rendered output:

Our employees dedicate 1% of all working time towards improving the local and global community through volunteer work. If you need a hand, contact us — we want to help.


If you have data you wish to display in a table, you can use pipes ( | ) and dashes ( - ) to create rows with headings and data. Colons ( : ) can be used on the heading separator to specify left (the default), center, or right alignment, if desired.

Editor view:

| City          | State/Province | Country |
| ------------- | :------------: | ------: |
| San Francisco | CA             | US      |
| Toronto       | ON             | CA      |
| Seattle       | WA             | US      |
| Sydney        | NSW            | AU      |
| London        |                | GB      |
| Atlanta       | GA             | US      |

Rendered output:

City State/Province Country
San Francisco CA US
Toronto ON CA
Seattle WA US
Sydney NSW AU
London GB
Atlanta GA US

Escape Formatting

If you want to use a character that provides formatting you don’t want to use, like the dash ( - ), try prepending a backslash ( \ ) to escape that character’s special purpose.

Editor view:

\- Pagey

Rendered output:


- Pagey

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