Bug description
Every time you active an effect with Chaotic Allure Queen on the field you get an error message that pops up " [string “101206011”]:57: attempt to call a nil value (field ‘GoldenAllureQueenCondition’) " This does not change if Golden Allure Queen is on the field. -
Bug reproduction steps
Summon Chaotic Allure Queen, then activate an effect. I used a trick clown for this. It doesn’t seem to appear in replays so I’m not including one. -
Screenshot OR error code
https://files.catbox.moe/ue4ugo.png -
Expected behavior
I expected not to have an error message follow my every action. -
What OS are you using
was this online or offline?
If it was offline, please test online. We have a host of bots available to duel against Online.
This was with the “test hand” option in the deck builder. I just tested it online, and the issue does not appear.
Yea, offline/local mode doesnt have updates nearly as often as online mode, so is often far behind, resulting in issues such as this. For that reason, online mode is recommended, even if just testing against a bot.
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