Welcome to first challenge week in November Monthly challenge. This months theme is the word “NO” and challenges will feature it a lot
Starting from this month, some things will change a bit, these changes will overwrite the Omega Challenges Revamped post.
This month there will be a Surprise Mega Rewards, I cannot say what are the rewards but I can say that only the Top 8 challengers of the month will get monthly rewards
Also to avoid ties, every bounty submission will decrease its reward points by 0.1 (i.e. first submission get 10 points, second 9.9, third 9.8, etc.).
every week will contain: 1 challenge , 5 bounties.
for rules and other info, visit Omega Challenges Revamped
We will post 1 challenge and a bounty on the first day of the week and keep posting one bounty everyday till challenge week ends / 5 bounties reaches whichever happens first. Points will be calculated after the week and posted in challenge leaderboard.
Challenge leaderboard will be available after the first challenge week.
Week 1 Challenge
Have No cards in your deck and in the graveyard (25 points), every card in one of the “No cards zones” is -1 point, also every turn (not counting first) is -1 point. Minimum for the challenge is 15 points
(these will apply only for the challenge)
all conditions from the revamp applies if bellow conditions doesn’t override them.
Duel must be against AI
You must have 40+ card in starting deck.
Rules apply according to the revamp post.
Bonus conditions, 25 additional points (50 total)
Previous conditions + have NO cards in the banished pile and on the field
Conditions for mercy rules (get 33% of base challenge points)
Banned cards allowed
illegal deck size allowed (minimum 10 cards in the deck)
For info and submission dm Ph4ntom_#3965 on discord.
Past Challenges ( completed already )
Win a Duel with only 666 LP remaining in least turns ( You and Opponent ) opponents.
feel free to ask questions bellow~
Have Exactly 13 cards in your Deck , 13 in graveyard and 13 cards in banished zone at any instant of the duel.
Have the most (minimum 6) of zombie monster cards (original type), but different card type (trap monster, normal, effect, fusion, synchro, xyz, pendulum, link) on the field (Spell & Trap zone counts).
Properly Synchro Summon and Resolve Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier’s Effect as many times as humanly possible. Keep in mind that Trishula needs cards to banish from opponent in order to keep resolving.
No help from opponent.
You can arrange the cards in your starting hand. (No Shuffle in host parameters)
The starting hand size is 5, and you can go 2nd.
No help from opponent. (Use the AI_Test).
Psy-Framelord Omega is not allowed, TCG Banlist with only TCG cards allowed.
Infinite loops are not allowed. Let me make it very clear what this means: - A combo that can be repeated endlessly is an infinite loop, even if you can stop it at any time. There must be a set number of times you managed to properly synchro summon and resolve trishula, if the number can be infinite, then it doesn’t count, meaning you have to use different strategies to accomplish the goal.
Only 1 turn allowed.
If multiple replays happen to have same amount of trishula summons and resolves, then the replay that had less moves will be ruled as winner over the other one.
Arrange the cards to make the word “N” (20 points) in less turns possible (-2 each turn), face up / face down is irrelevant. No defense position cards, also no extra cards allowed on the field when the letter is “made”.