Bug description
[No option to synchro summon when using Jurrac Stigo to get 4 Tuners to the field.
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Summon Jurrac Stigo to destroy itself and Special Summ 4 Jurrac Tuners from deck. 2 Jurrac Aeolo and 2 Jurrac Megalo. Use 1 Jurrac Aeolo to Summon back Jurrac Stigo. Now you have 1 star tuner and 4 star normal monster in stigo. The option to synchro doesn’t appear anymore. It worked fine earlier today.
Write the exact steps to reproduce the bug. Provide a replay code if you can. You can attach replay codes, or use a pastebin link or you can even use a spoiler tag using
your replay code
Screenshot OR error code
Expected behavior
[Extra Deck should light up to show that I can Synchro Jurrac Velphito. (a Lvl 5 Dinosaur Synchro monster.)
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What OS are you using
[Windows-10 / Linux / Android
Should be fixed in about 1h