Bystial Lubellion Effects on grave don't be activated

  1. Bug description
    When we try Special Summon Bystial Lubellion by the Hand or graveyard tributing 1 Level 6 or Higher Dark Dragon type Monster, this effect doesn’t appear to be activated, neither in hand or grave. Only the effect that source 1 bystial from the teck works.

  2. Screenshot OR error code

  1. Expected behavior
    The correct way is the Bystial Lubellion become avaliable to be summoned from the grave by this effect, when 1 level 6 or higher dragon type monster is on the field, except itself.

Below its a Example that how this effect should work (Print by EDOPRO)
First, Bystial Lubellion become avaliable to be special summoned when its condition is on the field;

Then, tributing 1 level 6 or higher dragon type monster, he comes to the field.

  1. What OS are you using
    Windows-10 64 bits

Local/test hand core update will be pushed once we have finished fixing the current bugs.

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