Bug description
When we try Special Summon Bystial Lubellion by the Hand or graveyard tributing 1 Level 6 or Higher Dark Dragon type Monster, this effect doesn’t appear to be activated, neither in hand or grave. Only the effect that source 1 bystial from the teck works. -
Screenshot OR error code
- Expected behavior
The correct way is the Bystial Lubellion become avaliable to be summoned from the grave by this effect, when 1 level 6 or higher dragon type monster is on the field, except itself.
Below its a Example that how this effect should work (Print by EDOPRO)
First, Bystial Lubellion become avaliable to be special summoned when its condition is on the field;
Then, tributing 1 level 6 or higher dragon type monster, he comes to the field.
- What OS are you using
Windows-10 64 bits