When: Sunday, July 16, 2023 8:00 PM
Banlist: Battle City 12.07.2023 (WCS 01.07.2023 + Manga Egyptian Gods / Wicked Gods / Divine Serpent Geh Limited 1, Seal of Orichalcos / Divine Evolution / Orichalcos Kyutora / Orichalcos Shunoros Limited, All Synchro, Xyz, Link, Pendulum monsters banned, OCG versions of cards will be used always in WCS)
- Limited 1 (allowed 1 card from this group in entire deck):
- Limited (allowed up to 1 copy of each card in this group):
Cardpool: All cards released in TCG and OCG (e.g. if it’s not released in either, then it’s not allowed)
Starting LP: 8000
Master Rules: 0 (Rules during 2005)
Tournament Format: Swiss
Game Set: Match (Best out of 3)
Extra Rules: Battle City Rules, No Extra Monster Zones
- Summoning Sickness - Special Summoned monsters cannot attack on the same turn they are Summoned. [Manga rules]
- When a Fusion Monster is Tributed, that monster is counted as a number of monsters equal to the number of Fusion Material Monsters that were used. (e.g. Egyptian God Slime can only be treated up to 2 Tributes not 3.)
- Monsters can be Normal Summoned in face-up Defense Position.
- When a card is sent to the Graveyard, it is sent to the controller’s Graveyard, not the owner’s.
- If a monster is targeted for an attack, but it leaves the field before damage calculation, the attack is canceled. There is no attack replay. [Already included in Master Rules 0]
- If a monster is targeted for an attack or effect, but a monster is Special Summoned to their side of the field, that monster may be chosen as the new target for the attack or effect by the controlling Player.
- All Spell Cards are Spell Speed 2 and can be activated as Quick-Play Spells. (e.g. A set Field Spell Card can be activated during your opponent’s Battle Phase.)
- When a Spell or Trap is destroyed by a card effect, it is negated even if the card that destroyed the Spell/Trap doesn’t negate its effects. (e.g. Mystical Space Typhoon can effectively negate.)
- Players cannot activate a Spell Card with the same original name more than once per Turn.
How to Join: Simply open YGO Omega 30 mins before the tournament starts. Then click online to go to the Lobby and click the “Event” tab and then click “Join” with a valid deck. You can always leave and join again before the tournament starts. Once it has started, your deck is locked.
Prizes: Those who defeat a Rare Hunter (Omega Staff in disguise) will earn 200 DP immediately. Don’t assume that those with Rare Hunter avatars, sleeves, or playmats are Rare Hunters. Anyone can be a Rare Hunter. The staff will not reveal themselves.