Description of issue: When playing online matches with other players, the game constantly softlocks (appeared in 7 out of 7 matches). Appears to be an issue with the timer/passing priority. Usually, each player sees the other as holding priority, and the timer counts down to 0. In some cases, a player passes priority but their timer keeps ticking (from their own POV), but they can no longer take any game actions. When the timer hits 0, it does not end the game and instead sits indefinitely at 0. Additionally, the chat function disconnects and neither player can see the other’s messages in the in-game chat window. (Perhaps an issue with clients desyncing?)
Steps to reproduction: Play online matches.
I did not play ranked duels, these were private lobbies.
I do not know whether it is specific to only Android or if it affects all platforms.
- Replays: Unfortunately, the bug also prevents the game from capturing replay data due to having to force close the app, so I don’t have replay data. I did screen-record the issue, though.
Sample 1 (opponent sees me as holding priority, I see them as holding priority, timer goes down to 0 and game does not end): https://youtu.be/cdpEZsr2rX8?si=Oeff1iFnC2TS4wYa
Sample 2 (I have passed priority but my timer continues ticking down, when it reaches 0 the game does not end): https://youtu.be/toEXWzagSbo?si=YvjgCXazogoFDz6C
Sample 3 (same as sample 1, opponent and I each see each other as holding priority, game does not end): https://youtu.be/xm7EjA4zCeo?si=1v4G2pX-uqPRzm7F
- Screenshots: I also took some screenshots of the in-game chat desyncing.
The first screenshot is from my perspective, the second is from my opponent’s perspective at the same time. There are messages missing from each of us, neither player can see the other’s messages after the desync occurs.
Expected behavior: The game should function as normal.
Platform: Android.