1st Annual Halloween Tournament


We want to test the tournament system during Halloween, so why not?


Tournament Type: Swiss
Banlist: WCS
Card Pool: All
Date: Saturday 30/10/2021
Time: 16:00 – 20:00 EST
Or for you locally: 2021-10-30T20:00:00Z 2021-10-31T00:00:00Z


  1. Must have total 3 copies of any cards in this list
    ( this means either 3 copy of 1 of these card, or 1 copy of 3 different cards, just needs to be total 3 copy from this list )
    Pumpkin Carriage, Witch of the Black Forest, Ghostrick Lantern, The Lady in Wight, Pumprincess the Princess of Ghosts, Ghostrick Mary, King of the Skull Servants, Vampire Sorcerer, Hallohallo,
  2. To make this easier, we went with WCS Banlist. This means your deck is legal in both TCG and OCG. The combined world’s banlist addresses most cards like mystic mine, zeus, and dragoon. This allows for easy deck checking by the client.



1. Open YGO Omega and click Online.
2. Click the Arena tab in the Lobby.
3. Click the Trophy icon.
4. Click Join with a valid deck. (You can join 30 mins before the tournament starts)
5. That’s it!

Remember that if your opponent breaks any of the rules in terms of using a card that’s not allowed, report it and they will be disqualified.

Mine is like the best deck
well I know what im gonna play

Winner: KaffeFilter (Infinitracks)
Runner-up: Sophie (Virtual World)