TCG vs OCG Rulings - The Story so Far


Gandora-X So basically reading all this there’s a big difference in THE HIGHEST ATK ocg and THE HIGHEST ORIGINAL ATK tcg

Your post was not bad but I can help answer some of It I found this post because I wanted to know myself why is tcg and ocg have different rules and why we can’t just play ocg in America rules and I think I found the answer base on your post card text.

the ocg card text is better then the tcg card text
Gandora-X ocg says the highest atk meaning that if I power up my monster with spells/traps let’s say I have dark magician 2500atk I also give him a trap that gives him 1500atk so he’s now 4000atk so now I tribute cards to summon gandora-X effect blows up DMG now my opponent takes 4000 burn damage. NOW TRY THIS AGIAN BUT TCG you only take 2500 because it say original atk