Manual Mode: Face up Main deck card unable to be moved Due to "Activation" glitch

  1. Bug description
    [Describe what the bug is in your own words.]
    An card placed face up on the extra deck causes it to be permanently stuck there, and moves other cards when selected for movement.
  2. Bug reproduction steps
    Move card from Main deck to Extra Deck and place it Face up.

Open the extra deck with card face up.

Mouse over main deck card in extra deck.

Presents 2 options, Effect Activation, and Move.

Clicking “Activate” causes the image of an extra deck card that is NOT the main deck card to be shown on screen. (In my case of this occurring, I clicked this 3-5 times)

From this point on, the main deck card cannot be moved. Attempting to do so, will allow you to select a zone, and display the correct card image in the “Select Battle position” prompt, but the card actually moved will be the next extra deck card in line from the main deck card selected. The card will not move from the extra deck, regardless of which zone is placed, even the main deck, which will result in an extra deck card being moved to the main deck. This can attempt to be done multiple times.

In the course of writing this, I have created this “game state” shown in the replay, which also created a soft lock not allowing ANY card to be moved on the field. (Looking back on this in hind sight, it may have been the AI leaving the match due to timeout)

[`Write the exact steps to reproduce the bug. Provide a replay code if you can. You can attach replay codes, or use a pastebin link or you can even use a spoiler tag using`]


  1. Screenshot OR error code

  2. Expected behavior
    [Tell us what should have happened when the bug occurred.]
    Activation should not have been shown as an option in manual mode, and the main deck Card should have been allowed to move out.

  3. If you have issues with connecting, please attach your Player.log file (Find this file in %userprofile%/AppData/LocalLow/Duelists Unite/YGO Omega/Player.log. Skip this step if you don’t have connection issues)!

This should be fixed. It’ll be in next update since manual got an overhaul.

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