Lady of the Labrynth

  1. Lady of the Labrynth does not seem to be a “Labrynth” card. It cannot be seached by Arriana or SS by Welcome Labrynth.Bug description
    [Describe what the bug is in your own words.]

  2. Normal Arriana and Lady of the Labrynth is not an option. Activate Welcome Labrynth and Lady of the LAbrynth is not an option. Bug reproduction steps

    [Write the exact steps to reproduce the bug. Provide a replay code if you can. You can attach replay codes, or use a pastebin link or you can even use a spoiler tag using]


    your replay code

  3. Screenshot OR error code

  4. Lady of the Labrynth should be able to be seached unless I am missing something. Expected behavior
    [Tell us what should have happened when the bug occurred.]

  5. Windows 10**What OS are you using**
    [Windows-10 / Linux / Android]