Challenge Month: November 2020

Welcome to Trishula Spam Challenge!
This is a Special Challenge with huge rewards.


Properly Synchro Summon and Resolve Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier’s Effect
as many times as humanly possible. Keep in mind that Trishula needs cards to banish from opponent in order to keep resolving.


  1. No help from opponent.

  2. You can arrange the cards in your starting hand. (No Shuffle in host parameters)

  3. The starting hand size is 5, and you can go 2nd.

  4. No help from opponent. (Use the AI_Test).

  5. Psy-Framelord Omega is not allowed, TCG Banlist with only TCG cards allowed.

  6. Infinite loops are not allowed. Let me make it very clear what this means:
    - A combo that can be repeated endlessly is an infinite loop, even if you can stop it at any time. There must be a set number of times you managed to properly synchro summon and resolve trishula, if the number can be infinite, then it doesn’t count, meaning you have to use different strategies to accomplish the goal.

  7. Only 1 turn allowed.

  8. If multiple replays happen to have same amount of trishula summons and resolves, then the replay that had less moves will be ruled as winner over the other one.

Reward List:

  • 1st Place: Cyberstation Theme + Trishula Sleeve + Rarity of choice
  • 2nd Place: Trishula Sleeve + 30 DP
  • 3rd place: Trishula Sleeve + 30 DP
  • Everyone else: Trishula Sleeve

If you already have Cyberstation Theme you will be given a Theme you don’t have instead.

submit replay

End of submissions: 15.11.2020 (10 PM EST TIME)

End of the challenge (Result Announcement): 16-17.11.2020